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Scaling the climate economy

We accelerate the flow of capital to climate initiatives,
turning intention into action.

Real and measurable climate action. Our platform, based on innovation, integrity and transparency, connects impact investors, corporations and project developers to accelerate the development of meaningful climate action projects.

Canada’s leading platform for bridging climate goals and impactful returns.

Accelerating the flow of capital

We source and perform due diligence on projects, manage portfolios, and monitor their performance. We offer a structured and focused approach for investors, seeking to align their capital with environmental goals while generating financial returns from a wide range of carbon avoidance and removals initiatives.

A transparent and liquid market

Our projects not only contribute to the planet by accelerating decarbonization strategies, but also offer profitable opportunities in the future. Real-time data, no counterparty risk, market analysis, and cost-effective solutions based on a diverse range of certified carbon credits.

Building a credible global network

We enable collective engagement from public and private sectors to address the global challenge of achieving net zero. By fostering credible connections in a complex marketplace, we empower diverse stakeholders with different goals, targets and strategies.

Invest in Sustainable Projects

Explore our marketplace and choose investment opportunities from our portfolio of verified projects.

Trade Carbon Credits

Simplify the process of buying and selling carbon credits through our trading platform — an efficient and effective solution to committing to climate goals.

Funds that fit your climate goals

Better navigate the marketplace with trusted and reliable solution that diversifies your holdings to make profitable green investments.

A valuable global network

Enabling Developers

We support corporations with their path to net zero, and give them the opportunity to hedge their future costs.

Empowering corporations

We help developers to secure the upfront investment they require from a broader pool of investors, corporations, and governments, to quickly and efficiently plan, execute, and monitor their projects.

Providing impactful investing opportunities

We provide dual-value investment opportunities for investors seeking projects for their portfolio that offer short-term environmental impact as well as long-term profitable returns.

Let's talk

    Are you a corporation, developer or investor interested in driving the carbon credit economy and expediting climate action?

    Please leave your information, and let’s talk!